Welcome back to Author’s Digest! Today, we present the conclusion of our interview with Kent R. Gant Jr., the author of the relationship guide 23 Heartbeats. You can read the first part of our discussion here.
Kent, what was your favorite part of the self-publishing experience?
My favorite part of self-publishing has to be seeing the final product–the actual book. To think that all of this wisdom in my book started out as a few lines of ideas on sticky notes and notebook paper.
What advice would you like to give to the other aspiring authors out there?
Never give up on your dreams. I know everyone says that, but I truly believe it. If you believe in yourself strong enough, others who doubted will become convinced.
What are you working on next?
I’m currently planning my third book (titled either Life without Limits or God’s Final Warning).
Are there any events or promotions planned for 23 Heartbeats?
Yes! I’m excited, this is the other best part [of self-publishing]. I’ve already been featured in my hometown newspapers, with more to come. Also, television stations are going to feature me as a special guest. Social media (blogs, Facebook, Instagram), along with the help of family and friends, are the ways I’m planning on marketing. I also bought marketing services with AuthorHouse, and there has been talk about being featured in the New York Times. We’ll see about all that.

Author Kent R. Gant Jr.
Is there anything you’d like to add before we wrap things up?
I’m giving back by creating my own workshop, which will be focused on helping people realize their dreams of writing, publishing, and marketing their first books. The request for it has been coming from readers all over my city.
I would like to say thank you so much to my friends Dave and Ashley Willis, William Sirls, Adam Kirk Smith, BigSam, and Chris Crenshaw. Also to my family, Kent Gant Sr., Mary Gant, and Demetrice Gant.
Anyone reading this keep going, and never give up on your dream. Always remember, “Don’t take anything for granted. Everything happens for a reason, and everything only lasts for a season.”
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Thank you for your time, Kent, and best of luck with your next book! Readers, 23 Heartbeakts is available at Amazon or the AuthorHouse Bookstore. For more information about Kent or his books, follow him on Facebook or Instagram:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/produceprosperity/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kentgantjr/