Welcome back to AuthorHouse Author’s Digest! Today, we present the second half our interview with self-published writer Charles L. Levy. El Volcan, his first novel, was the recipient of honorable mentions at both the New York and Hollywood Book Festivals.
Charles, what inspired you to write your book? How long did it take you to finish it? I was inspired to write the book after my initial exposure to the war in El Salvador and then my fairly long involvement as an advisor in various capacities to the Armed Forces of El Salvador and the U.S. Embassy there. Many of the events I witnessed first-hand or heard about from first-hand sources are reflected in the writing.
Is there one message you would like to convey to your readers about your book? That as long as U.S. foreign policy focuses only on military and socioeconomic factors and ignores culture, it is doomed to fail.
What was your favorite part of the self-publishing process? Seeing the book in print and getting uniformly positive, high praise from my readers.
Any advice for other aspiring authors? If you feel that you have something to say and wish to see your work in print, you must discipline yourself to sit down and write.
What is your next project? Can we expect to see a sequel to El Volvan? I’ve finished a second book with some of the same characters as the first, but it isn’t exactly a sequel. I am currently in the process of editing and re-writing this book.
Are there any other events, marketing or promotions planned for your book? I have just placed a 10” full-color ad in the El Paso Times and will soon be involved in some additional promotional activities. Stay tuned!
Best of luck with your second book, Charles, and thank you very much for your time!
El Volcan is available in the AuthorHouse Bookstore, along with thousands of other great titles. Author’s Digest thanks you for stopping by, and hopes you’ll visit again soon to read the latest news from our community of writers around the world.
As always, best of luck on your personal self-publishing journey!